BibleBookletSchool: Course Listout

Id Course Title Summary Image
1PentecostThe Baptism of the Holy SpiritJesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and you receive power to become witnesses.
2SalvationBe Born Again (John 3:3)Salvation is to everyone who believes in Christ and it is in no one else.
3GuidanceThe Way to Go (Psalm 32:8)I will teach you in the way you should go and counsel you.
4HealingYour Faith Heals You (Mark 5:34)He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases and by his wounds we are healed.
5RemarriageMatthew 5:32 vs. 1 Corinthians 7:28The Lord witnesses the treachery to your wife who is your companion and wife by covenant.
6FaithFaith Overcomes the World (1 John 5:4)Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
7DivinityDivine Nature & Attributes of God (Rom 1:20)Baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
8DeliveranceGod Delivers & Translates (Da 6:27;Col 1:13)He rescued us from the domain of darkness and from the wrath to come.
9SaviorMessiah the Prince (Da 9:25)He is the Savior of all men and in every respect and there is no other.
10EvangelizeJesus Sends You! (John 20:21)Jesus told them to go into all the world to make disciples of all nations.
11LettersWhat Is Now (Rev 1:19)Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches.
12BloodA Propitiation in His Blood (Ro 3:25)We have received the atonement and have been justified by His blood.
13ReconciledReconciling the World to Himself (2Co 5:19)We are reconciled to God by the death of His Son for the propitiation of sins.
14ReckoningThe Day of Reckoning (Isaiah 2:12)The Lord will have a day of reckoning against the proud and lofty that they may be abased.
15SecondComingThe Day of His Coming (Malachi 3:2)The two men in white said Jesus will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.
16SanctifiedThe Will of God Your Sanctification (1Th 4:3)You are sanctified by the Holy Spirit in truth by faith in Christ.
17GospelThe Gospel is the Power of God (Romans 1:16)The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.
18CrossWord of the Cross is to us Salvation (1 Corinthians 1:18)Christ became obedient to death on a cross paying the sin debt and making peace.
19ForgivenessReceive Forgiveness of Sins (Acts 26:18)In Christ we have forgiveness of our sins by the redemption in His blood.
20RedemptionHe gave Himself as a Ransom for All (1Timothy 2:6)We have redemption of the transgressions of our body through His blood.
21HebrewsBe Diligent Until the End (Hebrews 6:11)Show diligence and confidence to achieve the ultimate goal you hope for.